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8 effective hacks to 3x your Shopify store sales

Jeremy DSouza
last edited on
September 8, 2023
5-6 mins

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3x Shopify store sales

Looking for powerful hacks to increase your Shopify store sales exponentially? Here are 8 of our most effective tricks.

8 powerful Shopify sales hacks you need to try

Permission marketing

All your store visitors aren’t going to turn into shoppers immediately, and you don’t need them to. But what you need to do is find a way to keep in touch with them and stay on the top of their minds so that when they do feel a need or want to make a purchase, your Shopify store is the first place they head to.

You got to offer them something valuable that would make them feel open to sharing their contact information with you. This could be an ebook or another valuable resource that they could access and download for free only after they share their contact information with you. Your form would need to have a checkbox in which they declare that they’re open to receiving resources as well as marketing messages from you.

When they consume the educational content that you share with them, they’re going to see you as a trusted guru and will be more open to your product recommendations as well, thus earning you more sales.

Ensure that your customers can always get instant answers

Forrester’s studies have shown that 53% of online shoppers will abandon their purchases if they can’t get an answer to their questions immediately. Now, while you should mention the important things about your products on the product page itself, you can’t really answer every possible question right there.

That’s when your customers should be able to get in touch with you and get their questions answered in a jiffy, irrespective of the time. That’s where Engati’s intelligent Shopify chatbot.

Chatbots come in and clear your customers’ doubts, so that instead of abandoning their carts, they go ahead with their purchase.

Answer all your shoppers' queries with Engati's Shopify chatbots!

Work on your landing pages

You’ve put in a lot of work to drive shoppers to your Shopify store, but do you really expect them to figure everything out by just looking at your homepage? You’d be wasting all the marketing efforts you’ve made so far if you do that. 

The most effective way for you to get a sale from them would be to send your customers to a page that is specially designed to lead to sales of a specific product. 

Sure, sending them to a page where they can choose from a wide range of your products allows you to offer them choices, but you’re also increase the chances of them falling prey to paralysis by analysis, and delaying (or just not making) their purchase.

Instead of getting yourself stuck in that situation, you should build landing pages that focus on one product, explain the features and benefits of that product, have great images and videos of the product, display social proof in the form of reviews and testimonials, and even have a very compelling CTA.

Engage more on social media

Want to drive more store traffic and sales from social media? Keep your community highly engaged. It’s obvious that you should be posting great content on your social media handles, but you got to know that you need to reply to your audience quickly when they engage with you. This might seem fairly straightforward, but you’d be surprised at the number of brands that just don’t end up doing that… and it’s rather annoying for customers. Also, before you say that you get too many comments, DMs, and story mentions for you to reply to all of them… no, that’s not a valid response.

If your store has grown too big for you to manually engage with all your customers, you have the option to use automation. If you use the Engati app on your Shopify store, you can deploy an intelligent chatbot on Instagram to reply to comments, DMs, and story & post mentions.

A/B testing

As brilliant as you think your landing pages are, you can’t be sure whether you have the best headline, the most effective images, and the most compelling CTAs if you aren’t testing them live. 

Without split testing your landing pages, you’re merely relying on your intuition… unless you’re a seer, you don’t really have any guarantee that it’s going to work.

The good news is that A/B testing doesn’t really need to cost too much. A free tool like Google Optimize can pretty much draw over your existing pages with the test version.

Use WhatsApp for announcements

Now that you’ve gotten permission to send out marketing content to your shoppers and store visitors, you might as well send your marketing messages to them on a channel where they’re going to look at the messages.

Most stores still settle for shooting out emails and hoping that they get opened… but the average open rate for these emails is just about 40%. On the other hand, WhatsApp messages get an open rate of 99%. It only makes sense that you should send out your announcements about discounts, promotional offers, and new releases via WhatsApp broadcast messages… especially since WhatsApp now allows you to broadcast promotional messages via the WhatsAp Business API.

<Increase your sales with WhatsApp chatbots on Shopify>

Personalize your shopping experience

It’s no surprise that personalization can help you increase your sales dramatically, but you might be concerned about customers getting annoyed. What might surprise you, though, is that studies have shown that shoppers are looking forward to personalization, and 71% of them get frustrated when there is a lack of personalization. An Accenture study even found that 83% of shoppers would be willing to share their data in exchange for a more personalized experience.

So, you know that customers want personalization, what you need to do is make sure that you’re transparent about the data that you’re collecting and what you’re using it for.

You can start personalizing their shopping experience by delivering more relevant product recommendations and suggesting bundles, cross-sells, and upsells that are related to other products that your shopper has bought in the past or shown interest in.

Chase after abandoned carts

Cart abandonment is certainly a nightmare, but its not like you can’t win those carts back. That’s what abandoned cart recovery campaigns are all about. But you’ve got to be smart if you want these campaigns to work well for you.

Don’t waste your time sending a slew of cart abandonment emails when you know that only 40% of them will be opened (if you’re really lucky), and only a fraction of those opened emails will lead to your customers coming back.

Instead, your best move would be to use the Engati app on your Shopify store to shoot out cart recovery messages with discounts on WhatsApp, where messages have a 90% open rate and a 70% engagement rate.

Recover your abandoned carts with Engati's Shopify chatbots on WhatsApp!

Download our exclusive ebook for free! (Worth $199)

Jeremy DSouza

Jeremy is a marketer at Engati with an interest in marketing psychology and consumer neuroscience. Over the last year he has interviewed many of the world's brightest CX, AI, Marketing, and Tech thought leaders for Engati CX.

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