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Best free chatbot platform - Engati

Engati Team
last edited on
August 31, 2023
6-7 mins

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The best chatbot platform

We’re living in a world of constant digital transformations. According to Professor Klaus Schwab, the fourth industrial revolution has arrived, driven by things like mobile supercomputing, and artificial intelligence. Indeed, we can see evidence of AI in almost every environment, from our interactions with virtual assistants to our conversations with the Engati chatbot.

Chatbots are just one component of the AI environment, and they’re appearing at a rapid pace throughout the communication industry. These simple bots help to answer questions and complete repetitive tasks on behalf of businesses so that employees can be as productive as possible at work, and customers can enjoy better service.

What is Engati Chatbot platform?

Engati is a cloud-based platform for creating chatbots without the need for programming knowledge. Bots built within Engati can be published across Facebook Messenger, Skype, Viber, Slack, Kik, Telegram, and can be embedded within business websites, and can be used within industries including eCommerce, banking, media, health care, and more. The Engati solution allows businesses to build, manage, train, and analyze online chatbots, adapted to business needs for customer service and engagement.

Engati's Chatbots platform is the best for any website and can be created and customized using with tools for training chatbots with custom conversation flows, multiple languages, and custom FAQ integration.Engati leverages machine learning and natural language processing to create a responsive chatbot that can provide customer support without the need for human intervention. Chatbots created within Engati can utilize machine learning to better respond and prepare for user queries and needs, and NLP conversational modeling ensures that chatbots communicate as naturally as possible.

Engati supports multiple platforms with the ability to launch chatbots across major messenger platforms including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Slack, Kik, Viber, Line, and Telegram, as well as business website integration through an embeddable chatbot widget.

Engati chatbots perform automatically without the need for agent input, however, the platform does facilitate the takeover and escalation of a bot chat mid-conversation if needed, and live chats can be carried out between agents and customers. In order to help businesses understand their customers’ needs and better train their chatbots, Engati provides in-depth analytics on metrics such as the most frequently asked questions, analysis of specific cohorts, number of conversations per day, average length of conversations, and more.

What makes Engati the best free chatbot platform?

Engati is the best chatbot platform according to Tidio for your website to build, integrate, manage, analyze, train and publish your bot. Engati offers the following features.


Comprehensive customer support

Create chatbots that are cost-effective and streamline your customer support with automated replies to live chat agents. With your own business chatbot, you can ensure that your customer support team gets the support that they need.Of course, it's only human to get some sleep and rest, go on a break or for a vacation. However, when you work with a chatbot it will only work 24X7 that too without a breakdown. You can train it and even create a FAQ bot depending on the kind of queries that you receive from your customers and viola! Your FAQ bot will make sure that it answers each of the customer query correctly.


Automated sales and marketing

Create chatbots to offer an instant & interactive way for customers to interact with your brand. Get 24x7 recommendations & complete transactions.You won't realise how smartly your bot can function unless you try it. With Engati's own NLP engine and training, your bot can educate new and returning visitors about your brand.Moreover, your bot can easily take up the basic sales queries so that your sales team can focus on final closures.


Intelligent Human Resources

Embrace the future of people management with a chatbot that automates hiring & on-boarding and offers instant responses to employee queries. Hiring in huge numbers can bring scalability issues for HR. A Recruitment chatbot can help in the screening process. It can get prospective employees information and also perform quick background checks. Chatbots can also make on-boarding quite easy. New employees can simply find information from the bot. Moreover, the HR bot can answer common questions, help in training and development and talk about employee benefits as well.


Automated Transaction Inquiries

Embrace the future of transaction reporting via conversational AI and significantly reducing support calls & queries. For an average individual, this includes financial, subscription and even retail transactions. Transaction detail enquiries form a major component of requests handled by support teams.Smart chatbots can easily help automate resolution of these requests. 24x7 availability helps improve customer satisfaction and user experience.  Transaction details are necessary for further actions. Therefore, this helps improve productivity too.


Conversational Commerce

Create chatbots that provide the best in new age conversational commerce by helping with product search. This further helps in improving customer acquisition, activation as well as retention.When your bot gathers information about the visiting customers, you can use this information for creating marketing campaigns. You will have all information that relates with specific customers. Therefore, it will help you bring about a personalised experience for each of your customer and help you retain them.


IT Service Management

Increase service level satisfaction for your internal customers by providing a 24x7chatbot to address IT service support queries and a range of simple tasks.IT is an important function of any and every business today. So, it only makes sense to invest in a bot that can manage IT related queries for faster transactions.

Get your WhatsApp chatbot at just $5 a day

Build a chatbot with amazing features

  • E.Sense Proprietary NLPProprietary optimized machine learning-based NLP with advanced Intent and Entity Recognitions
  • Conversation Flow BuilderBest in the business. Building conversation flows is now as easy as drawing user journeys
  • Integrations across multiple channelsIncluding Zendesk, Salesforce, Google Sheets, and more!
  • Advanced Integration frameworkSupports JSON Rest APIs with many OOB standard Integrations
  • Multilingual featuresExtensive real-time support for building bots that can easily operate in multiple languages
  • OmnichannelBuild once and Deploy across 14+ channels including website, mobile and social media
  • Bot Building and SolutionsCustomizations and Bot Building from our experts at a very competitive 24$ per hour
  • Deployment ModelsFlexible deployment models - Public Cloud, On-Premise/Private Cloud and even Hybrid
  • Bot TemplatesExtensive library of 150+ Bot Templates for accelerators across a wide range of use cases
  • Live ChatSeamlessly transition from automated responses to agents handling your customer queries
  • Broadcast and CampaignsUse Broadcast to build automated campaigns to reach out to your prospects and keep them engaged
  • Voice BotsLeverage the power of conversations with voice. The future of conversation technology is here today on Engati
  • Mobile SDKsEnhance your mobile app reach with the extension of conversational intelligence using Engati’s Mobile SDKs for iOS and Android
  • Intent and EntitiesUse Engati’s enhanced Intent and Entity recognition for a variety of standard intents from date, location, time and more to custom entity support
  • Rich AnalyticsHave access to a rich bot analytics framework with information on most frequently asked questions, actions, cohort analysis and more

Some of Engati’s accolades and listings

BotMakers list of Chatbot Companies Overview. Who is Growing in July — August 2017.

“Engati is an exciting new way to approach customer service, which has been benchmarked to reduce 92% of service costs which solving for all the challenges above.”

CMS Wire list of - Top 14 Chatbot Building Platforms of 2017.

“Engati claims to let users build, manage, integrate, train, analyze and publish a chatbot using its software in just 10 minutes. It focuses on customer engagement and can be deployed to eight major messaging platforms including Facebook Messenger, Kik, Telegram, Line, Viber, Skype, and Slack”.

Virtual PBX’s listing of - 5 Best Chatbot Platforms that Require no Coding.

“Engati allows you to build a bot in as fast as 10 minutes. Which is not nearly as impressive as ManyChat, but here’s the kicker. Engati supports 14 major messaging platforms – which include Messenger, Slack, Kik, Viber, Skype, and more. We also respect the fact that they take support very seriously. Engati offers easy chatbot training, multi-platform support, and 365 x 24 x 7 support.”

House of bots listing of - 7 of the best chatbot building platforms out there.

“Engati is a chatbot platform that helps users build, manage, integrate, train, analyze & publish chatbots. They claim to achieve this within just 10 minutes. They currently support 8 major platforms such as Kik, Telegram, Skype, Messenger & others.”

Indian retailers article - Conversational commerce: Dawn of the new technology.

“Engati is a chatbot platform that allows you to build, manage, integrate, train, analyze and publish your personalized bot in a matter of minutes. It presently supports eight major messaging platforms including Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Skype, Slack and Webchat with a focus on customer engagement, conversational commerce, and customer service and fulfilment.”

Isummation technology’s blog - Best Platforms and Tools to build powerful Chatbots.

"Engati is a chatbot platform that allows you to build, manage, integrate, train, analyze and publish your personalized bot rapidly. Using Engati you can design your very own chatbots with a workflow and no programming required.Messaging Platform Supported – Messenger, Slack, Skype, Kik, Telegram, Line, Viber Chatbot web widget integration on your websites. Provides integration frameworks for CRM, eCommerce, Marketing, Scheduling, Microservices, JSON APIsSpecializing sets to build a chatbot for eCommerce, Healthcare, Banking and Finance, Media and News, etc."

TechWorld’s listing of - Best chatbot building platforms

“Engati is a chatbot platform that claims you can build, manage, integrate, train, analyze and publish a chatbot using its software in just 10 minutes.It currently supports eight major messaging platforms including Messenger, Kik, Telegram, Line, Viber, Skype, Slack, and Webchat.”

Further mentions and accolades including from brands such as - Product Hunt, BetaPage, ChatBottle, Capterra, CODEPOLITAN, Recovendor, Software Villa, Software World mentions Engati as the best customer engagement software in 2020.

Get started today!

If you are looking for the best free chatbot building experience then Engati is the solution for all your bot related needs. All you have to do is get in touch with the team, help them understand your requirements and the rest will be taken care of.

Engati is on the rise of becoming the leading chatbot building platform across the globe. You can join forces with the phenomenal technology that the Engati team is working on. Register with the platform or ask for a free demo. It will help you choose the exact kind of plan your business needs. Further, the team will help you understand the offerings at Engati so that you get the best chatbot experience for your business and your team.

We have started with our own bot marketplace so that you don't have to build your business bot from scratch. Simply pick a chatbot template for your business and make the best out of your own bot. You can view all available templates on the website itself or get in touch with the team to inquire about easy customisations. You can try, unlock and even share these templates to help spread the word and offer the power of chatbot technology to other businesses.

Thanks for reading!

Register with Engati and get started with your Ai chatbot now!

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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