Whatsapp Marketing

WhatsApp Catalogue : How to Create and Use a Product Catalogue

Yash Chawlani
last edited on
October 8, 2024
5 mins

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WhatsApp Business has become a very powerful tool for businesses to reach their customers effectively. With nearly everyone using mobile phones, WhatsApp Business gives you a direct way to connect with your audience through the app.

One of its standout features is the Business Catalog. This tool helps showcase your products and services, simplifying them so customers can explore and purchase them.

But how do you set it up and optimise it for maximum sales? 

Let’s explore the steps you can take to ensure your catalog stands out.

What is a WhatsApp Business Catalog?

A WhatsApp Business Catalog is a feature within the WhatsApp Business app that enables businesses to showcase their products or services directly. It acts as a mobile storefront, allowing companies to display product images, descriptions, and prices. 

Customers can easily browse the offerings, ask questions, and make purchases within the app, providing a seamless shopping experience. 

This feature is beneficial, especially for small businesses seeking to engage with their audience more interactively.

Key Features of a WhatsApp Business Catalog 

  • Product Listings: Display multiple products or services, complete with images, descriptions, and prices.

  • Direct Interaction: Customers can inquire about products or order from the catalog.

  • Seamless Experience: Users can explore and purchase items within WhatsApp without visiting a separate website.

Why Use a WhatsApp Business Catalog?

WhatsApp is a significant business opportunity, with over 2.96 billion monthly active users worldwide. The platform facilitates direct customer communication, making engaging and building relationships easier. 

Here are some key benefits of incorporating a WhatsApp Business Catalog:

Benefits of WhatsApp Business Catalog

benefits of whatsapp business catalog

  • Direct Engagement: Communicate in real-time with customers, answering their queries promptly.

  • Easy Browsing: Customers can effortlessly explore your offerings within the app.

  • Sales Integration: Link products to your website for streamlined purchases
  • Cost-Effective: This free feature requires minimal investment while offering maximum potential.

Setting Up Your WhatsApp Business Catalog

Step 1: Download WhatsApp Business

If you haven’t already done so, download the WhatsApp Business app. It’s available on both iOS and Android. This version of WhatsApp is tailored specifically for businesses.

Step 2: Create Your Business Profile

After downloading the app, set up your business profile. This profile acts as your digital storefront. Include important details such as:

  • Business name: Make it clear and recognisable.
  • Description: A summary of your business and offerings.
  • Address: Help customers find you easily.
  • Website: Include a link to your website for more information.
  • Contact details: Provide a phone number and email for inquiries.

Step 3: Access the Catalog Feature

Once your profile is set up, navigate to the “Business Tools” section. Here, you will find the “Catalog” option. Tap on it to start creating your catalog.

Step 4: Add Products or Services

You can now start adding products or services to your catalog. Click on “Add Product or Service” and fill out the necessary information:

  • Name: Give your product a clear and concise name.
  • Description: Describe the product in detail. Highlight key features and benefits.
  • Price: Clearly state the price. Consider including discounts if applicable.
  • Image: Use high-quality images to showcase your products. Images should be clear and visually appealing.
  • Link: Add a link if customers can make purchases online. This can lead directly to your website or a specific product page.

Step 5: Organize Your Catalog

To enhance user experience, organise your catalog logically. Create categories for your products or services. This makes it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. Examples of categories could be:

  • Clothing
  • Electronics
  • Home Decor
  • Beauty Products

Step 6: Use Variants for Products

Utilising the variants feature if you offer multiple product variants, such as sizes or colours. This allows customers to choose their preferred option without leaving the catalog. Make sure to:

  • Clearly label each variant.
  • Use consistent images that represent each option.

Step 7: Ensure Compliance with Policies

Before launching your catalog, review WhatsApp’s policies and ensure your content complies with its guidelines. This can prevent issues later.

Optimising Your WhatsApp Business Catalog

Now that your catalog is set up, optimising it for maximum visibility and sales is time.

1: Keep Your Information Updated

Review your catalog regularly for accuracy and ensure that product availability, prices, and descriptions are always up to date. An accurate and current catalog helps build trust with customers. 

Managing these updates can be challenging, but integrating project management software alongside your WhatsApp Business Catalog can streamline the process. It allows for efficient tracking of updates, promotions, and customer communications, ensuring your catalog remains organised and reliable.

2: Utilize Keywords

Incorporate relevant keywords in your product names and descriptions. This improves searchability within WhatsApp. Consider the terms your potential customers will likely use when searching for the product or service.

3: Promote Your Catalog

Share your catalog with your audience. Use social media platforms to drive traffic to your WhatsApp Business profile. Consider the following methods:

promote whatsapp catalog

  • Instagram Stories: Share a preview of your catalog and include a call-to-action.
  • Facebook Posts: Highlight new arrivals or special offers from your catalog.
  • Email Marketing: Inform your subscribers about your WhatsApp catalog.

4: Engage with Customers

Use the chat feature to engage with customers. Assist customers by answering their product questions and helping them with purchases. Personal interaction increases the likelihood of a sale.

5: Use Catalog Links

Generate a catalog link that you can share with potential customers. This link directs them straight to your catalog, making it easy for them to browse and buy. Share this link on your website, social media, and email newsletters.

6: Encourage Customer Feedback

Encourage customers to leave feedback on your products. This builds credibility and provides insights into what works and what doesn’t. Use this feedback to improve your offerings. 

To facilitate customer feedback, use the best QR code generator to create scannable links to your review page or feedback form. Include these QR codes on product packaging or receipts.

7: Monitor Catalog Insights

WhatsApp Business provides insights into how customers interact with your catalog. Monitor metrics like views and clicks to understand customer behaviour. Use this data to refine your catalog and marketing strategies.

8: Utilize WhatsApp Status

Use WhatsApp Story Feature for your business to showcase your products and services. Share updates about new items, special promotions, or behind-the-scenes content. Status updates disappear after 24 hours, creating a sense of urgency.

Best Practices for Your WhatsApp Business Catalog

  1. High-Quality Images: Use professional images to grab attention.
  2. Clear Descriptions: Be straightforward and avoid jargon.
  3. Consistent Branding: Ensure your catalog aligns with your overall brand identity.
  4. Call to Action: Encourage customers to take action, such as “Shop Now” or “Message Us.”
  5. Be Responsive: Quickly respond to customer inquiries to enhance their experience.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As you set up your WhatsApp Business Catalog, have you considered the potential mistakes that could limit your success? Avoiding these common pitfalls is crucial for creating an effective catalog that attracts and retains customers. 

Here are some key errors to watch out for:

  • Incomplete Information: Ensure all product details are filled in. Missing information can frustrate potential buyers.
  • Ignoring Customer Interaction: Failing to engage with customers can lead to lost sales. Always be available to answer questions.
  • Overloading the Catalog: Don’t clutter your catalog with too many items. Focus on best sellers or seasonal products to keep it organised and manageable.
  • Lack of Promotion: Don’t rely solely on WhatsApp to promote your catalog. Use other marketing channels to expand your reach.
  • Not Using Analytics: You need to analyse data to optimise your catalog. Use WhatsApp’s insights and integrate them with management software to improve your strategy.

Advanced Strategies for Optimisation

By implementing advanced strategies, you can elevate customer engagement and turn your WhatsApp Business Catalog into a powerful sales engine. 

strategies for optimizing whatsapp catalog

Here are some tactics to consider:

  • Implement Chatbots: You can use Engati's WhatsApp Chatbot to streamline customer interactions. It efficiently handles FAQs and guides customers through purchasing, ensuring quick responses.
whatsapp catalog interface with engati

  • Create a Content Calendar: Plan your promotions and catalog updates. A content calendar ensures consistent engagement with your audience.

  • Offer Exclusive Deals: Offer special deals for customers shopping via WhatsApp. This can drive more traffic to your catalog and incentivise purchases.

  • Use User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their product experiences. Featuring user-generated content in your catalog adds authenticity and builds trust with potential buyers.

  • Explore WhatsApp Ads: Use WhatsApp ads to reach a wider audience. This can boost your catalog's visibility and drive more traffic to your offerings.

For businesses managing large volumes of inquiries, outsourcing sales functions can be highly beneficial. 

This allows external teams to handle customer engagement and sales funnel management, ensuring prompt responses and higher conversion rates while you focus on core tasks.


Setting up and optimising your WhatsApp Business Catalog is essential for driving sales. Following the above steps, you can create a visually appealing and functional catalog that attracts customers.

Keep your information updated and engage with your audience consistently. With the right strategies, your WhatsApp catalog can become a powerful sales tool.

Ready to enhance your business’s sales potential with WhatsApp? Leverage AI integrations in your business strategy and watch your sales soar.

Yash Chawlani

Yash Chawlani is your go-to digital marketing specialist and founder of Merlin Marketing, a performance-driven marketing agency. With over 7 years of experience, Yash has worked with some big names like Elementor, G2, and Snov, just to name a few, to boost their online presence. When he's not diving into the latest marketing trends, you'll either find him at the gym or on the football field.

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