Business Transformation

Are you employing these eCommerce Marketing techniques?

Ananya Azad
last edited on
November 1, 2023

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ecommerce marketing strategies

Welcome to the world of eCommerce marketing! Ready to take your online business to another level?

Now imagine having the ability to reach a global audience, build brand awareness and drive sales, all while sitting in the comfort of your own home. That's the power of eCommerce marketing.

eCommerce marketing is a constantly evolving field, with new techniques and strategies emerging at all times. From search engine optimisation and social media marketing to email campaigns and influencer partnerships, the possibilities in the domain are endless.  That is why we're here to guide you on your eCommerce marketing journey and help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies that will take your online business to the next level.

Let's dive in and explore the world of eCommerce marketing together, discovering new ways to drive traffic, convert visitors to customers, and retain customers for repeat purchases. Are you ready to level up your online business and reach new heights of success?

Then let's get started!

What is eCommerce Marketing?


eCommerce marketing is the process of promoting, selling, and advertising products or services online through various digital channels. This includes tactics such as search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, advertising, content creation, website development and more. The goal of eCommerce marketing is to boost website traffic, increase sales, and build brand awareness.

There are three main objectives of an eCommerce marketer:

  1. Driving traffic to your online store.
  2. Converting visitors to customers.
  3. Retaining customers, so they purchase again.

What is the importance of eCommerce marketing?

eCommerce marketing is a vital component of any digital business strategy. It allows businesses to reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales, thus resulting in increased revenue. By utilising effective eCommerce marketing techniques, businesses can efficiently target specific demographics, improve the customer experience, and stay ahead of the competition. Furthermore, eCommerce marketing offers the flexibility and scalability that traditional brick-and-mortar stores lack, allowing businesses to reach customers all over the world and adjust their marketing efforts as per their needs and budget. Through the right marketing, your eCommerce Conversion rate can be higher. Overall, eCommerce marketing is a crucial aspect of business growth and success in today's digital landscape.

What are the most effective eCommerce marketing techniques to improve sales?

Here are the top 16 most effective eCommerce marketing strategies, carefully chosen to help eCommerce brands to grow:


1. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Partner with influencers in your niche to promote your products and reach a new audience. Influencer marketing can be an effective way to reach a targeted audience and drive sales. According to a study by Tomoson, influencer marketing is considered to be the fastest-growing customer acquisition method among businesses. 

2. Utilise Retargeting Ads

Use retargeting ads to bring back visitors who have left your website without making a purchase. Retargeting ads are a great way to reconnect with potential customers who have shown interest in your products but did not complete a purchase. Sticky ads are a highly effective way to improve your retargeting strategy. By using these types of ads, you can keep your brand top-of-mind for visitors who have already shown interest in your products or services. According to a study by Adroll, retargeted visitors are 70% more likely to convert than new visitors. 

3. Optimise for Voice Search 

Optimise your website and product listings for voice search to make it easier for customers to find your products. With the increasing popularity of voice-controlled devices, it's important to optimise your website and product listings for voice search to make it easier for customers to find your products. According to a study by ComScore, 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020. 

4. Use Live Streaming 

Utilise live streaming on platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase your products and connect with customers in real time. Live streaming allows businesses to connect with customers in real time and provide them with an immersive experience with your products. According to a study by Livestream, 80% of audiences would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog post.

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5. Run Giveaways and Contests

Run giveaways and contests to increase engagement and grow your social media following. Giveaways and contests are a great way to increase engagement and grow your social media following. According to a study by Agorapulse, 43% of consumers are more likely to follow a brand on social media for a chance to win a prize. 

6. Focus on Email Marketing

Use email marketing to nurture leads and encourage repeat purchases. Email marketing is a great way to interact with prospects and continuously remind them of your brand. It is currently one of the most basic and necessary forms of digital marketing and should not be ignored. Ignoring email marketing will actively put you behind your competitors, who are constantly engaging and nurturing your prospects through their inboxes. According to a study by Campaign Monitor, email marketing has an average ROI of 3800%. 

7. Invest in WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp is everything right now, the platform has more than 2 billion active users and an open rate of 98%. To top that, WhatsApp business API is built to help businesses grow and provides you with incredible features like WhatsApp Broadcasts, Notifications, Business profile, Autoreply, WhatsApp commerce, the message read status and much more. WhatsApp also allows you to share images, videos, links, documents and much more while adding interactive CTA buttons to directly engage on the app. Overall with the help of WhatsApp businesses can sell , market, and support their customers better throughout their journey.
Click here to learn more about the benefits of owning a WhatsApp Business account.

8. Take Advantage of Mobile Optimization 

Optimise your website and product listings for mobile to provide a seamless experience for customers on the go. With users being on their phones all the time, more users are opting to shop online using their mobile devices. Its convenience, portability and connection to both the internet and online payment options make mobiles the best medium to shop, especially in these busy times. By optimising your mobile website, you make the user experience(UX) faster and better for consumers, making it easier for them to appreciate your eCommerce store and shop for products from their devices.

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9. Utilise User-Generated Content

Encourage customers to share their experiences with your products through user-generated content such as reviews and social media posts. User-generated content, such as reviews and social media posts, can be a powerful tool for building trust and credibility with potential customers. According to a study by BrightLocal, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

10. Make Use of Virtual Reality 

Use virtual reality to give customers a more immersive experience with your products. Virtual reality technology allows customers to experience your products in a realistic and engaging way, and it can be a powerful tool to drive sales. It helps the customers receive a more personalised shopping experience which gives your eCommerce business an upper hand against other online brands. This also lets customers have a better idea when looking at products and helps in the overall increase in lead generation and conversion rates. According to a study by Greenlight VR, virtual reality technology can lead to a 20-30% increase in purchase intent. 

11. Implement Scarcity Tactics

Use scarcity tactics such as limited-time offers and limited stock to create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to buy. Scarcity tactics can act as an extremely useful strategy and can be an effective way to drive sales. Customers are spoilt for choice and feel comfortable knowing that a particular product is easily available, treating it as an option while surfing through the vast buffet of similar items on the internet. By letting them know that the product they are interested in is limited and might go out of stock, you make them realise the need to make a choice or miss out on buying the product. This sense of urgency then leads to customers making the purchase sooner and even prioritising the product over others. According to a Psychology Today study, scarcity increases a product's perceived value. 

12. Use Social Media Ads

Use social media ads to target specific audiences and drive sales. Social media ads allow businesses to not just target customers but seamlessly show them particular advertisements constantly to condition them into remembering your brand and their desired products. According to a study by Hootsuite, social media advertising has an average ROI of $6.97 for every dollar spent. 

13. Invest in SEO

Invest in SEO to improve your website's search engine rankings and make it easier for customers to find your products. Investing in SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is a well-versed and reliable way to increase organic traffic. It picks up on keywords and commonly asked questions that users majorly search on the internet regarding a topic and helps use those words and phrases in favour of any business with an active online presence. According to a study by HubSpot, organic search is the primary source of website traffic for most websites. 

14. Use Referral Marketing

Encourage existing customers to refer friends and family to your business through referral marketing programs. Customer referrals work as testimonials, which make your business come across as more reliable to other users and potential customers. This makes referral marketing an incredibly cost-effective way to acquire new customers and can lead to increased sales and revenue. According to a study by Nielson, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family more than any other type of advertising.

15. Make Use of Chatbots

Utilise chatbots to provide 24/7 customer support and assist with sales. Conversational Marketing chatbots use natural language programming(NLP) to interact with customers, seamlessly engage them in conversation, answer their queries, collect data and provide personalised recommendations. Chatbots can also be integrated with CRM softwares to store this data for lead generation, marketing nurturing campaigns and sales purposes. According to a study by Juniper Research, chatbots will help businesses save more than $8 billion per year by 2022. 

16. Use Affiliate Marketing 

Partner with other businesses and individuals to promote your products and earn commissions on sales. Affiliate marketing can be a cost-effective way to acquire new customers and increase sales. Start a limited edition brand partnership campaign, work for an NGO’s cause or simply engage in a referral partnership with another company; just remember that you cannot grow alone. According to a study by the Performance Marketing Association, affiliate marketing generates 15% of all e-commerce orders. 


All of the above-given strategies are well-researched and proven to yield results, but they can still be very taxing and time-consuming to implement all of them, especially when you are busy running a business. There has to be a solution that can help a business scale without having to lose so much valuable time and losing one's mind in the process.
We are here to tell you that there actually is one, and it is called Automation.
Automation solutions paired with conversational AI chatbots can cover most of the above-mentioned strategies for you. 

All you have to do is register with Engati for free, and our award-winning platform will guide you through how technology solutions can help you with lead generation, user engagement, email and sms broadcast marketing, WhatsApp marketing, retargeting ads, conducting market analysis, collecting feedback and testimonial, and much more.

Don't waste time. Register now and see the results for yourself.

Here's a bonus article for you, until next time - Digital Marketing Statistics to help skyrocket 2024

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Ananya Azad

Ananya is a content writer at Engati with an interest in psychology and literature. Ananya enjoys ghostwriting and brand stories that elevate others in innovative ways.

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