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Engati launches eSenseGPT, a GPT-based Generative AI solution for Conversational Automation

Engati Team
last edited on
September 28, 2023
2-5 mins

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Engati launches eSenseGPT

Engati Technologies, a leading Conversational AI platform, today announced that its platform, Engati is now enabled with eSenseGPT, a GPT-based Generative AI engine built on Large Language Models (LLM) for its customers. 

The launch of Chat  GPT in November 2022 has catapulted the rise of Generative AI and LLMs. In the past 2 months, several AI-based software solutions have been launched, thanks to Open AI’s GPT models. ChatGPT has generated a lot of interest and excitement for chatbots with over a million users within the week. Engati believes that the next step in the evolution is to allow businesses to leverage GPT-based models and LLMs to improve the efficiency of customer service, sales support, and marketing automation.

Engati has identified four key areas where GPT based Generative AI can positively impact a business’ ROI when coupled with Conversational AI: 

  • Augmenting the user experience on conversations across multiple platforms (WhatsApp, Web, Instagram, etc.,) by generating contextual personalized responses on top of the conversational AI-based responses
  • Enhancing agent performance by allowing them to summarize, explain and generate an appropriate response
  • Enabling the bot builders to train and deploy enterprise-level chatbots in record time. Train chatbots with content from the website, documents, message logs, product catalogs, and data from enterprise systems
  • Suggesting marketing content for campaigns across multiple channels based on engagement and effectiveness of conversions

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Engati is offering its customers the ability to enhance agent productivity as part of its award-winning omnichannel Inbox. “Often, we see service and sales agents stumbling with the right responses to twisted and difficult user inquiries. eSenseGPT allows agents to leverage generative technologies to generate an ideal response, explain the user conversation and query the bot for a smart response” said Imtiaz Bellary, Managing Director of Engati.  “As a product dedicated to improving the state of conversational AI for businesses, we will continue to invest in Generative AI-based technologies that should improve the effectiveness of the conversation”, he added.

Enterprises can sign up for early access by registering here - Register for early access.

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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