Enhancing Buyer Experience in the Real Estate Sales Process

Engati Team
last edited on
May 6, 2024
2 mins

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 Enhancing Buyer Experience in the Real Estate Sales Process

Enhancing Buyer experience in the Real Estate sales process

1. Introduction

Buying a property – could be a piece of land, an apartment or condo, a shop or an independent house is the first big major purchase in a person’s lifetime. Yet, the experience is harrowing with the complexities involved in the process. The Real Estate buying process requires hand holding – a role currently performed by humans or Real estate Agents. With a single agent interacting with several (from a few dozens to hundreds) prospects at any one time, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain a level of service and personalization that one could come to expect from a transaction of this magnitude.

To arm themselves with efficiency, agencies thus use technology to assist and streamline the different phases in their customer relationship. A common tool used is the CRM (customer relationship management). But these tools are deficient when it comes to the actual interaction with the clients. Communication in modern times is dominated by digital channels as opposed to old school voice interaction. It is here that conversational tools like Engati come in – to take over the conversational threads and streamline them with ease.

In this blog, we discuss why Engati, a conversational automation tool built around AI, should be a part of a real estate agent’s toolkit to perform multiple tasks - serving as everything from a virtual calling card to post-purchase
updates and more.

2. Enhancing buyer experience with Conversational Automation

a. Effective and Streamlined Conversations
Detailed communication is the lynchpin of effective real estate sales processes, and Engati can play a pivotal role in this area. From using broadcasts and social media ads as a gateway to initiate the communication, to query servicing, to capturing customer attributes like name and geography and including intent identification, Engati’s
bot flows can be customized to any agent’s needs.

This level of formalization in the communication process minimizes human error, reduces costs, allows scale and enhances productivity thus making Engati and indispensable tool in real estate sales and marketing operations.

b. Efficient task assignments and management
Tools like Engati are sophisticated enough to manage agent assignments automatically. They can also send reminders and notifications to ensure that the turnaround time meets an organizations service quality standards.

The hand-off from automated queries to an agent and vice-versa is seamless. Tracking productivity of the bot and agents is built in allowing senior management to make strategic business decisions for allocating business dollars to the appropriate areas.

c. Personalized Customer Service
With the real estate buying process as a people first process, it is important to capture and remember details of clients including their likes and dislikes, budget and financing requirements, location preferences and so on. All these details can be captured painlessly as a part of a conversation using Engati. All conversation history can be accessed painlessly to establish context as the sales process moves from initial point of contact to the Sales manager responsible to close the deal.

With real-time responsiveness, a tool like Engati essentially demonstrates a customer first orientation and commitment to customer service and care. The ability to quickly respond to queries, provide information on demand and resolve issues is the hallmark of any organization aiming for customer delight and repeat purchases.

d. Targeted Marketing Campaigns
All the information captured in any conversation can be used to create customer segments. For example, a segment of prospects looking for apartments downtown and another segment for prospects looking for apartments uptown. The messaging and creatives used to target eithersegment can be customized to the sensibilities of that segment. This helps in increasing appointments for site visits, thus increasing actual foot falls, and reducing live lead costs.

e. Customized Analytics
With analytics to track bot and agent activity, as well as reports which highlight efficiency and effectiveness, senior management can establish data driven processes as a part of their sales operations. Data can help decide where to allocate human resources, improve the conversational experiences, suggest nudges. Data can also be used to rank effectiveness across dimensions like time or other custom attributes.

3. Conclusion

Given the level of competition in today’s markets, it behooves real estate agents to arm themselves with different arrows in their quivers, with Engati serving as the customer facing platform. Engati can be easily integrated with several other tools in the tech stack for an end to end automation solution to ensure that every conversation is impactful and every opportunity is maximized. Engati can be easily leveraged as an indispensable tool by businesses aiming to prioritize buyer satisfaction and enduring client relationships.

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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