Future of CX

How to show customers that you care

Jeremy DSouza
last edited on
June 28, 2023
5-6 mins

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Show customers that you care

I recently ordered a few Whoppers from Burger King and they certainly went above and beyond what was expected of them. 

Sure, they could just follow the minimum food safety guidelines prescribed by the WHO. But they knew that people are worried. They understood that a lot of customers are not comfortable ordering in yet.

So, they decided to do more. Each package they delivered had a note explaining the safety precautions followed, in an attempt to reassure customers. 

But that’s not all. They even added a small sachet of hand sanitizer to every single package.

Bag with personalized message
Bag with personalized message

That tiny sachet probably didn’t cost much. And if you’re ordering in, you do have soap at home to clean up after touching the packages. But, it showed that they care.

That sanitizer essentially said, 

“Hey, we’re really glad that you trust us during this crisis. We’d like to show you that we appreciate you and are looking out for you.”

How do you show your customers that you care?


Do more

Doing the bare minimum creates a transactional relationship. Go beyond. Make that extra effort for your customers.

It doesn’t need to be something grandiose. The smallest of gestures can have a great impact on your customers. Even something as simple as a food server placing a giving your restaurant partons a candy along with their bill could make a difference.

In fact, in his research, David Strohmetz found that it increases their tips by 3%. And leaving two candies tends to increases tip amounts by upwards of 14%.

Offering a piece of candy along with the bill increases tips by 14%
Offering a piece of candy along with the bill increases tips by 14%

The reciprocity effect shows that when you do more for your customers, they will feel obliged to do more for you. That could mean sticking around longer, making a bigger purchase later, or even telling the people in their circles about your business.


Make your customers feel special

There’s nothing like making your customers feel like you’re doing something extra just for them. This makes the reciprocity effect even more powerful. 

Strohmetz et al tested this too. They instructed servers to initially offer a single piece of chocolate along with the bill and then proceed to walk away. After taking a couple of steps, they’d turn around, come back and offer them another piece of chocolate.

Making the diners feel special paid off, literally. Employing this technique resulted in a 21% increase in tip amounts.

Walking away and coming back to offer a second piece of candy increases tips by 21%
Walking away and coming back to offer a second piece of candy increases tips by 21%


Follow up

Don’t just wait for your customers to call you with a support request. Reach out to them proactively. 

Ask them how your solutions are working for them. Find out whether they need help with anything. 


Ask for feedback

Show your customers that you value their opinion. Request feedback and act on it. Ask them whether there’s anything they’d like to see added to or improved in your offerings.

Even if you get negative feedback, take it well. Don’t look at it as something that will simply lower the team’s morale.

Most customers won’t make the effort to complain, they’ll simply switch to a competitor. That means that customers who do complain might very well be your most valuable customers. They’re the ones that help you improve and grow. Thank them for it.


Share educational material

Don’t just try to sell all the time. Share educational content that is related to the solutions you offer. Show your customers that you’re invested in helping them grow.

At Engati, we believe that we’re not just a chatbot and live chat platform. We believe that our purpose is to help organizations all over the world create better customer experiences.

That’s why we write articles revolving around customer experience. That’s the reason behind us interviewing the smartest customer experience, marketing, and tech specialists in the world. 

The Engati CX show was created with a simple mission in mind: 

Help organizations of all sizes craft stellar customer experiences.


Show them that you remember

While conversing with them, use callbacks from past conversations. Avoid asking questions that they have already answered in previous conversations, even if those conversations were with different agents.

Go through the recent conversations available on Engati Live Chat to get the entire conversational history. Your agents will always have context, and your customers will never have to repeat themselves.


(Over)compensate when you mess up

Due to the negativity bias, we tend to dwell on bad experiences far more than good ones. We assign more importance to them and even remember them with greater vividity.

That means that you can’t balance one negative experience with one positive experience of the same intensity. 

To restore the balance, you’ll either have to create a larger number of good experiences or a positive experience of a far greater intensity.

You can’t compensate for negative experiences. You have to overcompensate for them.

Negativity Bias
Negativity Bias


Create a loyalty program

You need to show your customers that you value them and appreciate their loyalty. Create a VIP rewards program.

Offer exclusive perks to your most loyal customers. Perks that are not available to anyone else. Once again, it boils down to making them feel special. 

This will cause the reciprocity effect to kick in and work its magic. These VIPs will practically feel obligated to stick with you. 

Mall of the Emirates uses an Engati chatbot to drive their loyalty program. Their Engati chatbot was integrated with OCR technology, enabling it to process purchase receipts that customers uploaded to the bot. Their chatbot then proceeds to allot reward points to the customers in real-time. Similarly, the team at jigsaw puzzle and brain training site im-a-puzzle began offering premium subscription features for free to their most loyal users as a way to surprise and delight them. As a result, their referral traffic improved by over 7%.


Try to understand customers on a deeper level

Can you really care for your customers if you don’t know what they’re going through?

Go through the analytics. Talk to them more. Ask deeper questions.

Find out what their average day is like, what problems they face, and what troubles them the most when they performing the function that your solutions help them with.

Now you have the information you need to serve them better and actually take care of them. Use it well.


Engage them in their own language

You can’t expect your customers to believe that you care about them if you won’t even make the effort to communicate in their language.

Does that mean you need to learn the language spoken in every region you operate?

No. You can use your Engati chatbot to converse with customers across the world, in 50+ languages. 

English, Portuguese, Spanish, even Arabic, whatever language your customers prefer, you can engage them in it via Engati automation + live chat.

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Create smoother experiences for your customers with Engati. Serve them in real-time over WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, webchat, and 11 other channels, in 50+ languages.

Start using Engati Live Chat & chatbots for free, no credit card required. Sign up here!

Jeremy DSouza

Jeremy is a marketer at Engati with an interest in marketing psychology and consumer neuroscience. Over the last year he has interviewed many of the world's brightest CX, AI, Marketing, and Tech thought leaders for Engati CX.

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