Tech Corner

How to set up Solr as a system service

Engati Team
last edited on
April 28, 2023
3-4 mins

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SOLR as system service

Most Linux distributions use the systems as a system and service manager. In this tutorial, I will show how to set up SOLR as a service.

What is Solr?

Solr is highly reliable, scalable and fault tolerant, Open-source REST-API based search engine developed under Apache Software Foundation umbrella, mature with a wide user base.

Solr is a full-text search, ready to deploy engine that can handle large volumes of text-centric data.

The purpose of Apache Solr is to index and search large amounts of text/web content and give relevant content based on search query.

Solr is also very modular. You can exchange or add functionality just by including your custom code in the form of a jar file and slightly changing the configuration.

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What are the pre-requisites for setting up Solr?


Zookeeper is a configuration-management application that comes prepackaged with Solr. It works well in the local environment, but as you increase the traffic or number of nodes, the prepackaged Zookeeper falls short of delivering proper support to your Solr cluster.
So in the production environment Zookeeper should be installed separately.

How to set Solr up in 6 steps?


Create user

sudo useradd -m -p $(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' solr solr


Download Solr source code

sudo su - solr
tar xzf solr-7.3.0.tgz


Add Solr and ZooKeeper hosts

I am setting up Zookeeper and Solr both in the same machine.

vi /etc/


Create ZooKeeper chroot

If you’re using a ZooKeeper instance that is shared by other systems, it’s recommended to isolate the SolrCloud znode tree using ZooKeeper’s chroot support. For instance, to ensure all znodes created by SolrCloud are stored under /solr

/home/solr/solr-7.3.0/bin/solr zk mkroot /solr -z


Create Systemd Service File

Create a systemd service file usingvi /etc/systemd/system/solr.service

Description=Apache SOLR[Service]
ExecStart=/home/solr/solr-7.3.0/bin/solr start -c -h -p 8983 -z -noprompt
ExecStop=/home/solr/solr-7.3.0/bin/solr stop


Reload and test setup

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start solr
sudo systemctl status solr

Now go to the browser and hit to access admin UI.

Reloading and testing setup in Solr
Reloading and testing setup in Solr

Hope this helped you get a good idea of how you should set up Solr as a system service. Happy searching!

I've set up Solr as a system service... What's next?

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What does solr stand for?

Solr stands for Shareable Online Learning Resources!

How does Solr work?

Solr gathers, stores and indexes documents from various sources and makes them searchable in real-time.

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