Cognitive Search

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Cognitive Search

What is cognitive search?

Cognitive search uses artificial intelligence to contextually find and deliver information. It understands the user’s intent, the patterns, and the relationships that exist within the data and pulls information that is extremely relevant to the user’s query.

Cognitive search can be defined as:

“A new generation of enterprise search solutions that employ AI technologies such as natural language processing and machine learning to ingest, understand, organize, and query digital content from multiple data sources.”
- Forrester

Source: Forrester

Cognitive search has a highly positive impact on knowledge discovery, which is a user's ability to extract useful information from data. It increases the relevance of the information that is extracted and makes query responses more efficient, thus making it possible for employees to increase their productivity and work in a more effective manner.

How does cognitive search work?

Cognitive search can recognize patterns and relationships in practically any type of data, no matter if it is written or spoken, structured or unstructured. 

This allows it to find contextual information that is very relevant to a user’s search intent. While Natural Language Processing (NLP) focuses only on linguistics, cognitive search uses a language-independent, statistical method to make sense of information and fine-tunes it by using linguistics.

It essentially uses NLP along with machine learning to mine, extract, and summarize data from a range of sources. Cognitive search can even be used to search and analyze content that is not written in English.

Why should you use cognitive search?

Cognitive search helps search engines interact with humans in a more natural way. Keyword-based enterprise search is not good enough anymore. It’s obsolete because it expects users to know exactly what they are trying to find and use the correct keywords while looking for it.  Traditional enterprise search and keyword-based search returns lower quality results, or sometimes, even incomplete results, and forces users to hunt and sort through the information that these search technologies return.

Cognitive search, on the other hand, uses artificial intelligence to pull results that are more relevant to the user’s query than ever before by extracting a deeper, advanced meaning from the query.

When used within your enterprise, it builds connections between your data, helps employees find the answers they are looking for faster, helping them make informed decisions in the least amount of time. This allows you to increase your organizational efficiency and productivity. Using cognitive search is extremely important as companies grow and acquire new customers since they then need to analyze vast amounts of data, the volumes of which grow as the companies themselves grow in size and customers. Cognitive search makes it possible for a company’s employees to work with a continuously growing collection of data across several departments of the company. 

When interacting with your customers, it can help you create personalized experiences, delivering information that is most relevant to your customers.

Google itself uses cognitive search in its search engine algorithms to better understand the searchers’ behavioral patterns and display more relevant results.

What are the benefits of using a cognitive search service?

Benefits of cognitive search
Benefits of cognitive search

Much higher levels of productivity

When you make use of cognitive search, you only need to make use of a single search application that would reduce the need to switch between multiple search apps, thus allowing you to streamline your business processes and getting rid of the need to keep entering credentials on various apps and eliminates the need to spend time hunting and sorting through irrelevant information.

Enhanced employee experience

When you eliminate the wastage of time on sorting and hunting through data, you create a better experience for your employees and reduce your churn rate as well.

Reduced operational costs

Cognitive search reduces your organization’s operational costs by reducing the amount of resources that are required for the purpose of knowledge discovery.

How does Engati use cognitive search?

At Engati, we decided to make it easier for our customers to train their bots. We didn’t want them to spend a ridiculous amount of time training their bots manually. So we decided to use cognitive search to automate automation itself.

We incorporated cognitive search in our DocuSense technology to help you train your chatbot with minimum effort and maximum speed.

All you need to do is upload a document to your chatbot. The document does not even need to be structured in question & answer format. Now your bot will use cognitive search and parse through this document at a speed of 12 pages every 8 seconds, pulling answers to all your customer queries.

What are use cases of cognitive search?

Uses of cognitive search
Uses of cognitive search

Cognitive search is not limited to chatbots. Here are a few other ways in which your organization could use it to improve customer and/or employee experiences:

1. eCommerce

Cognitive search can help your products find the most relevant products along with along the information they need. This helps them especially if they do not know the exact term for the product.

2. Research & development

Your research and development team needs to find information from a range of data sources as quickly as possible. Cognitive search can help them find the right information faster than they ever could before, speeding up their processes, and increasing accuracy and efficiency.

3. Internal search

Various departments within your organization need access to information and may not know where to look for it. Cognitive search helps them find organizational information quicker, allowing them to spend less time searching for information, and more time using it.

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