Neuro Linguistic Programming

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Neuro Linguistic Programming

1. What is neuro-linguistic programming?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychological/scientific approach to understanding human behavior. NLP implies analyzing methods practiced by successful individuals and understanding how they use them to achieve a personal goal. It connects thoughts, language, and behavioral patterns to certain results that are observed through experiences.

neuro linguistic programming
Source: NLP Academy

2. Who invented the term neuro-linguistic programming?

The term Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was coined by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in 1970 while conducting research in the market to learn what behavior patterns of others could help them achieve success. This also led to them writing the book “Structure of Magic: A Book about Language of Therapy”, which was written in the year 1975 and was about NLP.

3. How to use neuro-linguistic programming?

NLP is used to improve performance by helping an individual control their Emotional quotient and concentrate more on the tasks which are to be completed. It makes use of different NLP strategies and techniques designed in order to get a particular outcome. Basically, NLP is a set of strategies that are used to get desired outcomes by molding a person's behavior.

4. How does NLP work?

How does NLP work?

Neuro-linguistic programming believes in the fact that if we understand the process of how a person achieves success, that process can be replicated by others as well. NLP theory proposes that everyone has their own personal map of reality. People who practice NLP and its techniques analyze their actions as well as that of others in a particular situation and by doing so gain information about various perspectives regarding a single point. NLP is a purely experiential approach that believes in the fact that to understand an action, the person must first perform the action on his own and then learn from the experience/insight gathered. NLP practitioners also believe that there are natural hierarchies of learning communication and change. There a six levels of change, namely -

A. Purpose and spirituality:

It refers to involvement in religion, ethics, or another system. Basically something larger than oneself. This is considered as the highest level of change.

B. Identity:

It refers to the person you perceive yourself to be and also includes your responsibilities and the roles you play in life.

C. Beliefs and values:

Beliefs and Values are your personal beliefs and the issues that matter to you.

D. Capabilities and skills:

These are your abilities indicating what you can do.

E. Behaviors:

Behaviors are the specific actions you perform.

F. Environment:

Your environment is your context or setting, including any other people around you. This is the lowest level of change.

5. What are the different neuro-linguistic programming techniques?

Here are 5 NLP techniques that can help your coaching journey -

(i) Anchoring:

When one wants to regenerate a useful emotion, the technique to be used is anchoring. The emotion is recreated while associating it with a physical action.

(ii) Belief change:

Every individual has a set of beliefs about oneself and the things around them. These beliefs tend to change into habits and actions over time. Although some beliefs have positive as well as negative implications on an individual.

(iii) Mirroring and Rapport:

Mirroring and Rapport is an NLP technique used to create a better connection with the client following the idea that a client would have a better connection with the coach if the coach is “just like them”.

(iv) Reframing thoughts:

Under this NLP technique, the coach simply reframes his thought process in a manner to get only positive responses from the client.

(v) Creative Visualization:

With Creative visualization, a coach helps the client to achieve a positive response with the help of quick visualization techniques towards successful outcomes thereby limiting beliefs and conflicts within oneself.

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