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WISMO Where is my order

What is the meaning of WISMO?

WISMO stands for "where is my order" and is a common term used by customer service representatives. Customers continue to ask "where is my order?" on various social media platforms and websites to stay updated on the status of their orders. Customers become anxious when they have limited information about the status of their orders or even if the order is delayed. They require frequent updates on whether the shipping package is progressing as planned and when it will be delivered.

Did you know that 93% of customers expect updates on their orders regularly? It's understandable, given the technological revolution and the promise of 2-day shipping by eCommerce behemoths like Amazon. WISMO calls account for up to 50% of inbound calls to customer care centers, and resolving them costs an average of $5 per case.

Managing WISMO queries, on the other hand, can be difficult for new online stores. You may have to spend a significant portion of your profit margin if you don't have a proper plan in place to handle all of the WISMO shipping queries. However, you can't ignore all of these WISMO questions because 98% of customers believe that a brand's credibility is linked to its delivery experience.

How can WISMO impact the brand image and reduce your profits?

If you're getting the WISMO question, it's already a sign of poor after-sales service, which means a bad customer experience and unnecessary costs for customer support.

A delivery exception is estimated to occur in one out of every ten shipments. Knowing about these shipping issues and providing customers with the necessary information is critical to improving their customer experience and reducing the amount of time and money spent on customer support.

WISMO-related inquiries can take many different forms, including emails, phone calls, and support tickets. However, all of these questions, have one thing in common: they can be avoided.

All of the money spent on sales, advertising, marketing, and, in some cases, shipping is included in the customer acquisition cost for your company and product. If customers spend less than your acquisition costs, you won't make a profit. The customer retention rate (CRR) is the ratio of how many customers you can keep after a certain amount of time. Customer lifetime value predictions (CLV) are a method for estimating your company's revenue potential from a single customer. Customers should have a higher CLV prediction if they buy goods from your site for longer.

As your company grows, you'll receive more orders and inquiries, which means a higher demand for customer service. And as you know, higher service ticket costs can slash down your profits and impact net revenues.

For instance,

1500 orders/month,

35% of WISMO calls,

525 WISMO queries/month,

An average cost per ticket = $5.5,

The total WISMO cost = $2887.5

Now, the sum of $2887.5 would impact profits directly, other than repercussions like customer churn and order cancellations, etc.  

WISMO Where is my order
Source: Shippypro

How to deal with shipping delays to avoid WISMO?

1. Provide realistic delivery dates

It's always a better idea to give realistic delivery dates than to promise impractical delivery dates that you can't keep. When deciding on a delivery date, make sure to account for all possible delays and omissions. To avoid an unpleasant experience, try to notify customers ahead of time about any potential delays. Your credibility will rise as a result of this.

2. Provide omnichannel post-purchase support

Create an omnichannel, proactive post-purchase messaging platform for customers. Retailers can communicate with customers at each stage of the journey by taking control of post-purchase communication. Regular updates sent via SMS, email, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger keep customers informed about their orders, even if they are delayed.

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3. Communicate major shipping information

Important shipping information should always be communicated after the order is placed. Overcommunicate, if necessary, to ensure that customers are properly informed about the shipping status and that WISMO queries are minimized. Order-placed, product shipped, out for delivery, and order delivered are the questions that come up for tickets that can be avoided with proactivity. Even if you have a live tracking page, make sure you don't forget to send these important alerts.

4. Add a real-time tracking page

eCommerce stores should send a link to a real-time tracking page as soon as a customer places an order. This should be simple to use, and customers should be able to track the status of their shipments without the need for external assistance. Some brands also include chatbots on their tracking pages to respond to WISMO questions from customers. 

5. Include a "where is my order" or live order tracking tab

Adding the "where is my order" question to the FAQ or live order tracking tab itself is a great way to reduce the number of WISMO calls. Customers will know the status of their orders before they contact your service representatives with WISMO questions. Customers' post-purchase experiences can be improved, and customers can be re-engaged in your store.

6. Add a chatbot on the homepage

Most eCommerce companies are now deploying bots on their homepages to take care of customer support and service. These chatbots can be programed to provide information about orders and can also track the order in place with a click. Bots can also help your store resolve WISMO queries in real-time and provide relief to your support management team

How to solve, the 'how to track my order' issue with Engati?

The most important step towards reducing WISMO or solving the 'how to track my order' issue is to automate communication with customers.  You can provide them with the package tracking information they need through the Enagti AI-enabled bot that can provide your customers with a tracking platform that answers customer queries in real-time and helps them with order tracking details. You can integrate the Engati bot solution with your Shopify store or website to support customers and enhance customer experience. Moreover, you can automate & manage customer conversations 24/7 across your web store, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Email, with Engati's ready-to-use AI platform with as less than $5 per day. 

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