Future of CX

15 funniest customer service conversations ever!

Jeremy DSouza
last edited on
September 13, 2023
4-5 mins

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customer service conversations ever

Here’s a round-up of the 15 funniest customer service conversations you’ll ever see. Have fun!

All aboard the good ship Netflix

This Netflix customer service agent took a customer on a role-playing adventure dealing with a temporal loop across the Bermuda Triangle, delivering such an amazing (and hilarious) experience that they almost wished there were more issues to be dealt with.

Netflix funny customer service

Skyscanner’s 47-year layover

A customer noticed a glitch while trying to book a flight through Skyscanner. So, he decided to ask Skyscanner what they’d suggest he do during his 413786-hour layover.

Skyscanner funny customer service conversation

Let’s just say, Skyscanner’s response was pretty epic.

Skyscanner funny customer service conversation

The snake at Tesco

A customer claimed to have seen a live snake at a Tesco store. Let’s just say they were feeling a bit salty.


Xbox, answer him

A customer contacted Xbox Support asking for help, it just wasn’t the kind of help they thought he needed.


Spotify really knows how to say ‘thanks’

After dealing with some trouble with the Discover feature, a customer named Jelena contacted Spotify’s customer support for help. After the issue was resolved, Jelena complimented them on how they handled her issue, so the customer service representative decided to thank her by sending her a customized playlist that had a hidden message spelled out in the track titles.


Sainsbury’s gets pro wrestlers to make their sandwiches

A customer complained about the taste of their chicken sandwich, but Sainsbury’s turned it around in a rather amusing way.


Dobby is FREEEEE… from Waterstones

Waterstones actually managed to leave a customer locked in one of their bookstores. Not sure why the customer even asked for help though, bookstores are magical places.


Tesco’s poetic popcorn complaint

One Tesco customer was so desperate for their salted popcorn that they ended up writing a poem to the Tesco chairperson and received another poem in return, along with a giftcard.


Greggs asks Google to fix their logo

After a Google algorithm update, UK-based bakery Greggs had to deal with the fact that instead of their actual logo and slogan, a fake logo featuring an offensive slogan started showing up on the Google search results.

They got thousands of messages on Twitter and finally decided to incentivize Google to fix the issue.


Apple got trolled

A customer decided to reach out to Apple for some laughs. Or maybe they just needed a friend.


Some Dominos customers are just geniuses

A Dominos customer took to Twitter to ask why they got a pizza without sauce or toppings, just the pizza base. They answered their own question soon enough.

Someone got mugged at the O2 Academy Brixton 😳

A customer complained that security did not care about the fact that they got mugged. Well, it would be interesting to see how the rest of this conversation went.


This Zappos employee is a customer service superhero

A customer complained about the shoes falling apart really soon. This superhero sent them a hilarious and amazing email that definitely made their day!


Frodo and the ring

A customer complained about their wife’s ring not being returned after resizing and received the most unexpected response ever. Turns out it was not from the company, it was a troll that was masquerading as the customer service account.


Thor and Odin on Amazon customer support

Another amazing role-playing customer service conversation. This one could very well be the most hilarious customer service conversation on our list.


Jeremy DSouza

Jeremy is a marketer at Engati with an interest in marketing psychology and consumer neuroscience. Over the last year he has interviewed many of the world's brightest CX, AI, Marketing, and Tech thought leaders for Engati CX.

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