Future of CX

😂 31 best & funniest customer service memes for 2025

Jeremy DSouza
last edited on
January 16, 2025
4-5 mins

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customer service memes

2023’s been a weird year for customer service, but at least you’re getting some funny customer service memes to help you get through 2024!

Here's our list of the 31 best customer service memes that you need to see in 2024:

31 funniest customer service memes for 2024

They’ll do anything to get out of a survey 🙄

Just take the survey, please

And the crown goes to….

We have a winner

Don’t you just hate it when they keep you back?

Couldn't you call half an hour earlier?

The saddest a customer could ever be

Please answer faster

Preach it, Buzz!

Truer words have never been spoken

Oh evolution, such a lovely thing

We've come a long way

Can anyone say ‘No’ to him?

Better rate him as the best boi

Wonder how they’ll do that

This should be good

Can’t hustle a hustler

Who you tryna fool?

Oprah, you’re so generous!

Thanks Oprah, we love you!

Oh, honey, you’ve got to UPGRADE!!!

Premium plan = Premium service... it's basic math

No, asking again will not make it any faster

You're welcome

Aren’t these the worst?

Can't deal with this

Priorities, right?

Hmm, wonder what he'll pick

My hero!

Makes you feel so safe, right?

The struggle is real

It do be like that

Average customer dept meme - Not toxic at all

So relatable

I’m sure you have some brilliant ideas 

You sure are a genius

Time has never moved slower

Of course, I have nothing else to do

The highlight of your day, right?

Don't make Kermit angry

Don't you wish you could say this?

Valid argument, right?

Some bonus customer service memes from around the internet

Oh no, Donnie

We know the feeling, Donald (Source: someecards)



Suddenly became faster than The Flash (Source: imgflip)

The pain is real

LET. ME. EAT. MY. LUNCH. (Source: FoodTruck Empire)


That name don’t sound right

If you’re Joy, why’re you bringing me pain? (Source: Bored Panda)

Gotta hide your true self

Dr. Jekyll, Mr Hyde? (Source: ScreenRant)

What you want to say vs what you say

The filter is very important

It’s rainin’ complaints

Make. It. Stop. (Source: The Funny Beaver)

Daily struggle, isn't it?

Clown energy (Source: Reddit)

When the 'work voice' and 'real voice' meet at the customer service desk

The difference is real (Source: Survey Sparrow)

The one gossip you wouldn't want to know

Suffer in silence Karen. (Source: Keeping)

Just another day when they said they'll be right back

I waited. And waited. And waited (Source: Reve Chat)

When you add multitasking as a skill on your resume

Juggling tasks like a pro (Source: Keeping)

Mentally saying sounds like a 'YOU' problem

Don't say it. No, don't say it. (Source: Keeping)

Nothing special, it's just one of those days...

No customer. No service. (Source: Memedroid)

Big Brain Energy moment

Problem solved! (Source: Help Crunch)

Little white lies can't do no harm...

Yes, we completely understand (Source: Senti Sum)

Hope you enjoyed the collection of one better than the other best customer service meme and are refreshed and ready to amaze your customers with A-Grade customer service.

Jeremy DSouza

Jeremy is a marketer at Engati with an interest in marketing psychology and consumer neuroscience. Over the last year he has interviewed many of the world's brightest CX, AI, Marketing, and Tech thought leaders for Engati CX.

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