Engati Partnership

Whitelabel Chatbot Partnership Guide 2024

Shubhangi Srivastava
last edited on
September 11, 2024
5 mins

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Whitelabel Chatbot Partnership

A white-label partnership is a commercial agreement in which a producer, or one firm, produces a good or service that a reseller, or another company, can resale under a different name. The reseller can brand, logo, and market the product or service under its own name, giving the impression that it was created inside.

A software business might create a chatbot platform, for instance, and sell it under a white-label product line. After that, a different business might take this platform, rebrand it with their own colors and logo, and sell it to clients like they made the software themselves.

White-label collaborations are typical in sectors where businesses wish to grow without having to engage in new product development, such as digital marketing, e-commerce, and software development. The reseller can swiftly offer a new product without having to invest the time and money in development, and the producer gains from broadening its market reach.

What is a Chatbot Partnership?

A chatbot partnership is an alliance of two or more businesses, typically a chatbot provider and another company, with the goal of working together to provide consumers with chatbot-related solutions. In this kind of partnership, one firm usually develops the chatbot technology (software, platform, AI, etc.), while the other company uses the chatbot to improve customer service, marketing, and consumer engagement.

There are different types of Chatbot Partnerships:

  1. White label partnership: A product or service is created by one firm (the producer), which is then rebranded and sold as its own by another company (the reseller).

    Example: A software business (like Engati) offers a chatbot solution, which is rebranded by another company and sold under the pretense of being created by them.

    The reseller's ability to swiftly grow its product line without spending money on development is a major advantage.

  2. Reseller partnership: Selling a product or service under the original name of another company, one company frequently makes a profit or receives a commission.

    Example: Maintaining the original branding, a marketing agency resells chatbot subscriptions from a third-party source.

    The reseller makes money from the transaction, while the original business grows its clientele.

  1. Affiliate partnership: By using content marketing or referral links, a business advertises the goods or services of another business in exchange for a commission on sales or leads produced.

    Example: A blogger uses an affiliate link to advertise a chatbot service on their website. The blog owner receives a commission if readers click the link and sign up for the service.

    The original business gains more exposure and income while the affiliate generates passive income by promoting traffic and sales.

  1. Referral Partnership: When a business suggests a potential customer or client to another company, it may receive a commission or referral fee if the recommendation results in a sale or contract.

    Example: For specialized chatbot solutions, a consulting business recommends a chatbot development company to its clients. The consulting firm receives a referral fee for each successful transaction.

    It provides a consistent flow of business to both the referred and referring organizations by incentivising referrals.

  1. Preferred Partnership: Definition: This is a more intimate, frequently lasting partnership in which a company is the "preferred" supplier to clients or partners of another company for a specific good or service.

    Example: An example of a preferred chatbot partner would be a big marketing agency that offers chatbot services exclusively to all of its clients.

    Preferred partners frequently get special advantages including enhanced exposure, preferred pricing, and first dibs on customer access.

Importance of Whitelabel Chatbot Partnership

White-label chatbot partnerships are important because they offer several strategic benefits to both the reseller and the provider. Here’s why it matters:

For the Reseller

  1. Brand Control and Customisation: By adding their own logos, colours, and styles to the chatbot platform, the reseller can preserve a unified brand identity throughout all of their products.
    By doing this, the chatbot appears to be an inside solution, increasing customer confidence and brand credibility.
  2. Reduced Time to Market: Resellers can gain a competitive edge by promptly offering a ready-made product under their own brand, as opposed to starting from scratch with chatbot technology development.
    They can now concentrate on promoting and selling the chatbot service because this saves a substantial amount of time and money.
  3. Expanded Product Portfolio: Resellers can include cutting-edge technology into their product range without requiring specialised knowledge by partnering with a whitelabel chatbot provider.
    Offering extra services, such as automated customer care or lead creation, can draw in new clients and increase sales from current ones.
  4. Growth in Revenue: Through reselling chatbot services under their own label, companies can generate additional income. They are free to choose how much to charge, combine the chatbot with other services, or charge a monthly subscription price.
  5. Differentiation in the Market: The reseller can stand out from competitors who only offer generic, third-party branded solutions by offering a customized, branded chatbot solution. They may be positioned in their sector as tech-forward companies or innovators as a result.

For Chatbot Provider

  1. Scalability: Chatbot providers may grow quickly without adding more staff to their sales marketing departments thanks to white-label collaborations. In a sense, the resellers join the provider's sales team as an extension.
  2. Market Reach: Through the reseller's well-established networks and distribution channels, the supplier gains access to new markets and consumer segments. Reaching niches the supplier might not otherwise be able to enter is made possible in particular by this.
  3. Brand Recognition (Indirect): Even if the chatbot provider's name may not be on the product itself, more people are using and adopting their technology. Even though it is white-labeled, this can help the underlying technology get recognition in the market.
  4. Increased Revenue: By licensing their technology to numerous partners, providers can generate a steady cash stream without having to manage direct client connections. This might be particularly profitable if the product grows along with the success of its users.
  5. Focus on Innovation: Chatbot suppliers can concentrate on enhancing and developing their technology instead of being burdened by marketing and sales by delegating branding and customer engagement to resellers.

Team Structure for a White label Partnership

Essential Roles for Whitelabel Chatbot Success

To ensure success in a white-label chatbot partnership, an organization should have a well-rounded team that covers various aspects of the product, from technology to customer engagement. Here are the essential roles:

1. Partnership Manager

  • Role: Oversees the relationship with the chatbot solution provider. This role ensures smooth communication, manages expectations, and resolves any issues that arise between the partner and provider.
  • Key Responsibilities:some text
    • Liaison between the organization and the chatbot provider.
    • Managing contract agreements and renewals.
    • Tracking performance metrics and partnership goals.

2. Product Manager

  • Role: Leads the internal development and deployment of the white-labeled chatbot solution. This person understands the business goals, ensures that the chatbot aligns with customer needs, and manages the product lifecycle.
  • Key Responsibilities:some text
    • Defining product requirements and features.
    • Collaborating with the chatbot provider to customize the solution.
    • Managing the product roadmap and updates.

3. Technical Lead/Developer

  • Role: Provides technical oversight and ensures the white-labeled chatbot is correctly implemented, integrated with existing systems, and customized to the brand.
  • Key Responsibilities:some text
    • API integrations with CRM, website, or other systems.
    • Troubleshooting technical issues and ensuring scalability.
    • Customizing chatbot flows, functionalities, and backend configurations.

4. UX/UI Designer

  • Role: Ensures the chatbot aligns with the organization’s branding and provides a seamless user experience. They focus on the design of chatbot interfaces, user journeys, and interactions.
  • Key Responsibilities:some text
    • Customizing the chatbot’s look and feel to match the organization’s brand.
    • Optimizing the user journey for intuitive interactions.
    • Testing and refining chatbot conversational flows.

5. Content Strategist/Conversation Designer

  • Role: Designs the chatbot conversational flow and ensures that the chatbot communicates effectively with users. They are responsible for the dialogue, tone of voice, and ensuring conversations meet user needs.
  • Key Responsibilities
    • Creating engaging, clear, and relevant chatbot scripts.
    • Defining conversation flows, decision trees, and escalation paths.
    • Continuously improving the chatbot’s language and responses based on user interactions.

6. Customer Success Manager

  • Role: Focuses on ensuring that clients and end-users derive value from the chatbot. This role involves monitoring performance, gathering feedback, and ensuring user satisfaction.
  • Key Responsibilities
    • Onboarding and training clients on how to use the white-labeled chatbot.
    • Collecting feedback to improve chatbot performance and features.
    • Monitoring success metrics like user engagement and satisfaction.

7. Marketing and Sales Lead

  • Role: Responsible for promoting the white-labeled chatbot to potential customers and generating sales. They develop marketing campaigns and help the organization position the chatbot as part of their overall offerings.
  • Key Responsibilities
    • Creating marketing strategies and collateral for the chatbot product.
    • Educating sales teams and customers on the value of the chatbot.
    • Managing go-to-market strategies, pricing, and positioning.

8. Data Analyst

  • Role: Analyzes the performance of the chatbot, focusing on key metrics like engagement rates, conversions, and user satisfaction. This role helps the organization optimize and improve the chatbot based on data-driven insights.
  • Key Responsibilities
    • Tracking and analyzing user behavior and chatbot interactions.
    • Identifying areas for improvement based on data insights.
    • Reporting on performance KPIs to guide product and strategy decisions.

9. Customer Support Specialist

  • Role: Provides ongoing support for both internal teams and external clients who use the white label chatbot. They handle technical questions, troubleshooting, and escalations that the chatbot cannot resolve.
  • Key Responsibilitie
    • Offering Tier 1 support for chatbot issues.
    • Managing escalations that require human intervention.
    • Communicating with the chatbot provider for advanced technical support.

10. Legal/Compliance Advisor

  • Role: Ensures that the white label chatbot complies with relevant legal requirements, especially regarding data privacy (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and any industry-specific regulations.
  • Key Responsibilities
    • Reviewing contracts and agreements with the chatbot provider.
    • Ensuring compliance with data protection laws and regulations.
    • Advising on legal risks associated with chatbot interactions.

What kind of a budget do you need when starting a White Label Partnership

A large upfront investment is required for infrastructure, customisation, marketing, licensing, and infrastructure when launching a white-label chatbot business. Maintenance, support, sales, and licensing fees are examples of ongoing expenses. The complexity of the chatbot, the extent of customisation, and the rate at which you want to expand your white-label offering will all affect the total cost. To guarantee long-term profitability, setup and ongoing investment planning are essential.

How Engati Helps its White Label Partners in Setting Up and Creating a Chatbot

When you decide to partner with Engati, you get access to a host of help in the form of texts/video/training as well as a dedicated partner success manager. Here’s throwing more light on it. 

  1. Dedicated partner success manager: Every white-label partner of Engati is assigned a partner success manager just for them. This person acts as the primary point of contact, offering tailored assistance and direction to ensure the partner's success.

    The partner success manager's job is to first help the partner setup and deploy the bot. The next is to make sure that partners have access to the tools, information, and assistance they need to make the most out of their chatbot services. They support rollout optimization, strategy, and troubleshooting for chatbots.

    To guarantee their chatbot solution satisfies their business objectives and keeps performing well, partners receive individualized guidance, prompt assistance, and continuous support.

  1. Marketing assets: Partners get access to pre-made marketing materials from Engati with their own logos and messaging. Brochures, digital advertisements, email templates, social media posts, case studies, and demo videos are some examples of these materials.

    By eliminating the need to generate assets from scratch, these resources enable partners to efficiently sell and advertise the chatbot solution to their target audience while also saving time and money.

    By using expert, adaptable content that complements their branding strategy, partners may rapidly and consistently create marketing campaigns.

  1. Sales enablement documents: A collection of sales assets from Engati helps the partner's sales team close deals on the chatbot solution faster. These consist of pricing sheets, ROI calculators, competitive analysis, pitch decks, and more.

    The purpose of these materials is to equip sales teams with the necessary expertise and resources to effectively communicate the chatbot's value proposition, resolve any issues raised by potential customers, and complete deals.

  1. User/Product Guides: Partners and their clients can utilize these in-depth guides and tutorials to learn how to use Engati (or their White Label Chatbot Platform). They make sure that the onboarding process is seamless by covering everything from basic setup to sophisticated features and integrations.

    By assisting partners in comprehending the features of the product, these guidelines allow them to set up, personalize, and enhance the chatbot with confidence for their customers.

    Partners who use thorough, user-friendly documentation can shorten the time it takes for clients to get on board and give them better assistance.

Shubhangi Srivastava

Shubhangi is the Content Lead at Engati. With more than 4 years of experience working across various marketing teams, she specialises in user engagement, lead generation and conversions. When not working, she likes learning about various cultures across the world.

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