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Building intelligent chatbots | What makes a chatbot smart?

Engati Team
last edited on
October 30, 2023
6-7 mins

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Building intelligent chatbots

We are building smarter chatbots that are getting better at what they do day-after-day. More like, they are replacing the A in Artificial Intelligence with an H, which stands for Human! Of course, it doesn’t mean that we’re completely replacing the human brain to build smarter bots because in the end, humans tell the machine what they have to do. It’s just that the machine will do the monotonous tasks thousands of times over and over, while humans will brainstorm about, “Okay, this is done. What’s next?” At least this is the kind of philosophy that Steve Jobs lived by in his legendary, yet unfortunate brief time.

A world with smarter chatbots!

New technology for the newer generation

Most people worry about the lack of jobs. This is because of the unanticipated situations like the dot-com bubble, stock market crash, real estate turnaround, etc. However, there’s nothing much to worry about. These are counted among the things that come and go because they are transitory in nature and never last long. It doesn’t mean that it will bring about an end to the world. It’s a usual phase in the world of technology that will be overcome by a better idea. The newer, younger generation will be working on these ideas to make technology, as well as life, better. Ideas are what kept Steve Jobs up and running. He believed more in ideas than hierarchy.

Therefore, these ideas come from none other than the human brain. Machines don’t sit and think about the new challenges to face or new projects to work on. Humans instruct them and they follow. That’s how intelligent, smarter chatbots are trained to become smarter. With features such as Contextual Conversations, Voice Support, NLP integrations, etc., it is now easier to build smarter chatbots. That’s how they are able to follow very specific instructions as per the customer or user needs. Although, Apple did not create it’s Virtual Voice Assistant – Siri – but it did contribute towards its major developments that have made Siri what it stands for today.

Will smarter chatbots interfere with human data?

Apple Co-Founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak have always wanted the internet to be free, equal and unbiased. Being a consumer, wouldn’t you want to control your choices and the things that you buy rather than have an external display ads and influence your decisions? Therefore with Apple, Steve Jobs ensured that customer data is safe and not up for sale. They have devised a technology in the iPhone such that is asks for user permission before going ahead and recovering user data without a fair cautionary message.

That’s how even intelligent chatbots are trained to function. There is always a pop-up notification that asks for you data, such as name, contact number and email address, every time you interact with a chatbot. This is an easier way of lead generation with chatbots that ask for permission before getting into your data without permission. So, no, chatbots are never going to interfere or play with user data.

Chatbots are a great way to test with and implement a great design & user experience

We have to thank Apple for making people in the tech industry start thinking about the importance of design and user experience. It’s again about Steve Jobs’ vision of end-to-end control over what’s happening such that there is no room left for mistakes. Before the Apple revolution, people had no control over the process. Therefore, Jobs wanted to channel the whole experience and to make it more engaging and straightforward.

Today, the entire tech industry working in the UX and UI is using this knowledge given by Steve Jobs, to develop apps and websites. He saw potential in graphical user interface (GUI) that Xerox PARC brought to existence and brought about a new era in technology with smarter chatbots.

However, more than GUI, the conversation user interface (CUI) addresses a much more complex problem, which is chaos. This is where the chatbot technology is overcoming most of the problem statements by creating a more simple platform to interact with.

Understanding human curiosity and determining a protocol

Being humans we are naturally curious about everything happening around us. Questions like, “Can we build a tool that will answer all the world’s curiosity?” and, “Is it possible to build a platform that can create unlimited interactions with limited resources?”, surround us most of the time.

Therefore, smarter chatbots are making use of NLP, where developers are training most with predefined question and answer scenarios. The FAQ builder for chatbots is one such feature. It’s not just easier and more accessible, it also provides a better user experience. It is now important that we move away from the technical aspect to move closer to the human aspect.

Building smarter chatbots

It’s as simple as it gets – No one likes to read long messy texts. That’s simply because no one has the time. We are living in a world that lacks patience because we are now used to receiving solutions at a lightning-fast speed. Everything has to happen immediately because no one will wait. Therefore, the best thing a smarter chatbot can do is be straightforward.

How do smarter chatbots help a business?

  • Remove unnecessary clutter
  • Lower user hesitation
  • Set customer expectations right at the beginning
  • Create an interface with rich experience

Long story short, we like, respect and follow people who can share their own original opinions. This is where the competition begins between different intelligent chatbot platforms. The business chatbot that understands its users better by providing maximum solutions with minimum glitches will stand out and win with a clear margin.

The key to successful chatbots


Easy training and integration framework

AI Chatbots don’t come into existence on their own. We have to create, train, and maintain them throughout, on the basis of sets of data. These sets of data will widely vary from business to business, such as healthcare, banking, automobile, education, travel, hospitality, etc. However, training is imminent and therefore, we can build different types of chatbots to deal with data in different ways. These will, of course, be industry-specific.We can build a scripted bot but that can only offer a limited set of functions or questions. In fact, it will only accept a narrow range of responses. Hence, the process will not be very efficient. So, you must make use of machine learning that will let you develop a bot with a growing set of knowledge and understanding. It will learn on its own by studying previous examples of chats.

To mention a few cases

  • Advanced trainingIt includes sentiment analysis where the bot looks at the language used using NLP.
  • A final set of dataIt can come from customer satisfaction scores at the end of each chat. Whether your website visitors and customers are happy/unhappy you will get to know with the satisfaction score towards the end.
  • TimeYour bot will become smarter with time as and when it gains more knowledge. The more time your customers spend with your chatbot, the more it learns. It will make mistakes but it will also learn from them with time.

And remember, it’s easy to build a mediocre chatbot . All you have to do is just connect some APIs, write (or copy/paste) some lines of code, and that’s it. The difficulty and high effort begin when you implement a process for training the bot. Give it good data to feed on and train with, and it will work perfectly well.


FAQ Builder

Creating FAQs manually is tedious and a waste of time. It’s a lot better to train the chatbot that will automatically identify and surface common questions from the conversation history. Further, it will recognize potential variations of those questions to make conversations seamless. Therefore, proper training of your chatbot would mean less work for your team on catering to individual customer queries and allowing them to focus on resolving more complex questions that require hands-on assistance.

Therefore, with the FAQ builder feature on the Engati chabot platform, you can upload an entire FAQ document and let the bot do the rest. It will identify questions and relate them with relevant answers to make your job simpler.

Also, remember that training a bot isn’t a one-off task but an on-going process. Allow one of your team members to do a regular check to ensure that the customer Support chatbot conversations are going as they should.



The best aspect of the eSense GPT engine is that you require minimal setup data to get started with. Training the models is super easy and real-time. A lot of the aspects here can be customized according to the domain or the particular customer including custom synonyms, contextual handling, as well as intents and entity determination. Also, the core capability is available in multiple languages that makes it a very versatile offering.

Are you ready to build smarter bots?

It’s all about experimenting and exploring the potential of smarter chatbots. That is exactly what will keep some businesses ahead of the others, especially their competitors. The market will witness and experience its ups and downs but that shouldn’t stop businesses from creating a path-breaking innovation with chatbots. Let’s focus more on customer support and solutions with chatbot technology. Smarter chatbots are here to stay.

Now the question is, are you ready to float with the new wave of advancements with smarter chatbots?

For more on chatbot technology, check us out!

Engati Team

At the forefront for digital customer experience, Engati helps you reimagine the customer journey through engagement-first solutions, spanning automation and live chat.

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