Banks almost always need to be shooting out urgent message to their customers, and emails just won't cut it. You can't wait for your customers to read your emails... and an SMS is pretty much destined to be ignored. Your only hope - A WhatsApp notification.
We've decided to make this easier for you, so we've created 10 WhatsApp broadcast templates that your bank can tweak and send to your customers.
10 WhatsApp broadcast templates that your bank can use
Every once in a while, you’d want to let your costumes know what their bank balance looks like. This could help your customers plan their spending in a more effective way and could even serve to assure them that their balance is what they expected it to be. If it isn’t, they could check their statements and look for discrepancies.
Here’s a WhatsApp message template that your bank can use to send balance updates:
<Bank Name>: Your account balance is now $<amount>. For more information, please visit - <link>
You need to be updating your customers whenever they make any transactions, irrespective of how big or small these transactions are. Transactional alerts and updates keep your users in the loop. When they’re making payments, these updates show them that the right amount has been debited. They show that your bank stands for transparency and increases their trust in your bank. Make sure to mention their account balance along with the transaction alerts. This will help your customers become more aware of their spending habits and patterns.
You’d want to send these updates when the transactions clear as well as when they fail. If a payment was declined, a check is on hold, or if they exceeded their overdraft limit, informing them in real-time will help them take the right steps immediately.
And if the transaction was not initiated by them, these alerts will help them figure out if something fishy is going on and will help them take the right steps. Here’s a template that you can use for this:
Hi, thank you for using your <bank name> debit card for a payment of <amount> at <vendor>. Your balance now stands at <balance amount>. If you didn’t initiate this transaction, please click here - <link>
These serve as a confirmation that the cash deposited has been credited to their accounts. You should not send these updates only when they have made the deposit themselves. These should also be used when your customers receive credits to their accounts from other accounts, whether they’re receiving their salary, payment for a service, or even if someone is just repaying money that they borrowed from them.
Here’s a WhatsApp message template that your bank can use for these updates:
Your account has received a credit for $<amount> by <name> on <date>.
Click here for more information - <link>
Security is the main concern for most of your customers, especially when they engage in mobile banking. You’re monitoring the activity on your customers’ accounts and using predictive analytics to flag suspicious activity, the next step would be to inform them about any activity of that sort. Your users would appreciate being intimated in real-time about such suspicious activity so that they can take action quickly and protect their accounts. Sending these alerts as WhatsApp notifications is far better than sending them as emails, because WhatsApp messages have an open rate of 99%, which is certainly higher than even your best performing email.
Here’s a template that you can use for sending fraud alerts via WhatsApp notifications:
ALERT! We’ve detected unusual activity from your account at <vendor name>. If this activity was not initiated by you, please call us at <phone number>. Log in to your account at <link> to know more.
These alerts inform your customers when their accounts are running dry and are approaching the minimum balance threshold. Use these to prompt your customers to transfer more funds to their accounts.
Here’s a template that you can use for this:
WARNING! Your account is in danger of getting overdrawn. Your balance stands at $<amount> - <bank name>
It is important to be transparent and inform your customers when their account is overdrawn so that they are not left surprised later.
Here’s a template that you can use:
Your account is overdrawn, with a balance of –$<amount> - <bank name>
You can use these to remind your customers about upcoming payments or past due notices. Why do you need these? Well, a study did show that 35% of adults simply forgot to make their credit card payments. So, this does seem like a good idea. Not to mention the fact that you’ll have less customers trying to frantically reach you to ask (in the angriest of ways) why their account was penalized with late fees.
Here's a template that you can use:
Hi <name>, your credit card payment of $<amount> is due by <date>. Please make the payment before the due date to avoid late fees.
If you’ve got a special offer on loans, want to get your customers to sign up for a credit card, or are launching new financial products or services, you can use WhatsApp notifications as a marketing tool to get the word out.
Here's a template that you can use:
Hi <name>, we’re grateful to have you as a customer. To show you our appreciation, we’re bringing you a special offer. We’ve pre-approved you for a <loan of X amount or new credit card or other service>. Click here to avail of this offer - <link>
Withdrawal alerts are just as important as transaction alerts. They let your customers know that the right amount of money has been debited from their accounts and can even help them detect fraud if they had not withdrawn the money themselves. This allows them to take action in time and take the necessary steps to protect their account quickly instead of finding out too late, maybe only when they get around to looking at their bank statements.
Here’s a template that you can use to send these WhatsApp notifications:
Hi <name>, $<amount> has been withdrawn from your account <account number>. Your current balance stands at $<amount> - <bank name>
If a customer opens a new account or makes changes to their account information, you need to send a confirmation message to them. This is extremely useful because there could be a chance that these changes were not made by them.
Here is a template that you could use to send an account update confirmation message.
Hi <name>, this is to confirm that you added a second holder to your account ending in <XXXX>. If you have not requested this change, please call us at <phone number>.
When a customer wants to open a new account or wants to apply for a loan, the bank needs to collect the documents to verify identification. Now a bank could receive multiple applications at a time, if done manually, this would take a lot of time and man power. A chatbot connected to the database can simply collect these documents and upload them safely.
Hi <name>, thank you for choosing <name of the bank> bank. You need to upload the documents mentioned below in this link <link>. Account initiation will start as soon as the documents are successfully uploaded.
Hi <name>, thank you for choosing <name of the bank> bank. You are eligible for the loan. You need to upload the documents mentioned below in this link <link> Your loan procedure will start as soon as you have successfully uploaded the documents.
Hi <name>. The <bank name> bank will never ask you for any OTP during transactions. Be cautious of frauds and report any suspicious activity on <contact detail>.
Hi <name. Greetings from <bank name>, in case of any suspicious activity or to report any fradulent transactions, please reach out to us on <contact detail>
Hi <name> Thank you for banking with <bank>. Hope you’re enjoying the services. Please share your feedback in this link <link>. This will help us in providing you with better service.
Hi <name> Thank you for choosing <bank name> bank. We welcome you to the <bank name> family. Incase of any queries feel free to reach out to us on <contact detail>
Hi <name>, You have received a money transfer request for <amount> on your <account number> from <name 2> <account number 2>. Click on this link <link> to authorize the transfer.
Hi <name>, Click on this link <link> to authorize the transfer of <amount> to <account number> from your account <account number>
Hi <name>, Beat the inflation rates by investing in Mutual funds. Click on the link below to choose your preferred <mutual fund policy>

Benefits of using a WhatsApp chatbot for Banks

1. Accessibility
Any successful bank is built on trust. A bank can only be trusted if it can be accessible. With a chatbot, you can be super accesible to your customers. They can send in their queries, and a chatbot will provide answers immediately at any time of the day.
2. Reduced efforts
Repeated customer queries like interest rates, loan rates, required documents etc, can all be taken care of by the bot itself, saving you a lot of time and effort to focus on other important tasks
3. Account openings
The chatbot itself is capable of collecting all the information, and putting it in the system to open accounts for the customers. Similarly, the chatbot can provide detailed information about various accounts to the customers about various accounts and guide them to open an account that suits their needs.
4. Collect and store information
It’s very important for banks to store information about their customers. Chatbots can collect all the necessary information from the customers and store it in the database for future reference.
Banks that use WhatsApp chatbots
1. QIC - Qatar Insurance

QIC enhanced customer experience by providing faster and 24/7 query resolution. It was able to minimizing human intervention and making renewal and claim process seamless.
2. Bandhan Bank
Bandhan Bank was able to generate more leads and reduce sales cycle. It started engaging customers on their preferred channels, such as Website & Mobile applications.
Now that you have reaching out to your customers in place, let's talk about how you can get their responses. Something that will not only automate replies for you but also help with lead generation.
WhatsApp Link Generator
Links that you can create using your WhatsApp business number for reaching out to your customers, are WhatsApp links.
You can also add a pre-defined message to your link, so your customers can directly reply without manually typing any specific.
WhatsApp Link Generators help you do exactly this. As the name suggests, WhatsApp link generator is a free tool that’ll help you create WhatsApp chat links for your business. You can use multiple WhatsApp business numbers & reach out to your customers.
Download our exclusive ebook for free! (Worth $199)