Product page

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Product page

What is a product page in eCommerce?

A product page, also known as a product detail page or a PDP refers to a webpage on your eCommerce website that offers your visitors and customers information about a particular product. The information offered can be with regards to the features, size, color, manufacturer, price of the product, shipping information, reviews, and any other information and data that could be relevant to the consumer while they make their purchase decision. 

A product detail page or a product page gives your customers and shoppers all the information that they need about the product so that they can make an informed decision. They let your visitors see what they will get from the product and how the product would benefit them.

Source: SEMrush

Why are product pages important?

Product pages are a vital component of your marketing strategy because these are the pages that directly lead to a sale. After your customers reach your store and get interested in your offerings, they open up your product pages. These pages are what guide their final decision about making the purchase. If the information and description about your product match what your customers are looking for in the product, they because very likely to make the purchase. Quite often, they’ll directly make the purchase from right there if your product page aligns with what they are looking for.

If you don’t have well-created product pages, your customers might not get enough information about the product that they’re interested in and would be very likely to simply drop off. They’d get skeptical and wouldn’t bother buying anything from your eCommerce portal.

Studies show that 98% of shoppers quit their purchases if the information regarding the product is incorrect or incomplete.

What is the goal of a product page?

The chief goal of a product page is to help your customers make a decision about the product - are they going to buy it or are they going to move ahead? Due to the fact that this page is at the bottom of your eCommerce marketing funnel, it needs to have detailed information about the product, as well as a powerful and effective call to action.

The point of a product page is not just to offer information about the product, it is also to persuade your users to buy the actual product. It is basically like a marketing landing page for your product. 

Quite often, the product page acts as the biggest factor in the shoppers’ decision-making process. A good product page might convince your customers to buy from your eCommerce store, but a product page that does not provide the right amount of information or is not persuasive enough would not do the trick.

Your product page should not just be filled with facts about your product without being persuasive at all. At the same time, it cannot simply be sales-heavy without and concrete information about the product itself. Your product pages need to find the right balance between being informative and being persuasive.

What should a product page include?


Here are some of the elements that your product page should include:


This is a critical tool to enable your shoppers and visitors to navigate through your eCommerce portal. It providers shoppers with direct links to several pages on your website like your homepage, the product categories that you offer, as well as your customer’s shopping cart.


In web terms, a breadcrumb refers to the path along which the shopper or visitor traveled in order to reach a particular page. It shows your shoppers the various pages that they went through before they reached and landed on the product detail page.

The product title

This is the biggest, most prominent text o your product detail page. Your product title is basically the name of the product. You want to be rather specific with this, but avoid making your product title sound too complicated.

Product description

Your product description should precisely describe the product and clearly outline the features, functions, and benefits that it offers. It should also be honest about the product’s limitations.

Without stretching on too long, your product descriptions should also address any concerns that your customers might have regarding your product and should be able to alleviate their fears.

You need to write your product descriptions in a persuasive manner so as to convince your customers to make the purchase from your eCommerce store.

Product images

You need good, high-quality pictures of your product shot from all angles so that your shoppers can see what they are going to get if they buy your product. eMarketer shows that online shoppers expect to see 5 to 8 product images for each of your product detail pages.


This is one of the most important components of product pages for most customers. It’s a major decision-making factor for a lot of customers. You should display your products’ prices clearly on your product pages so that your customers don’t have to waste their time and get frustrated searching for your product page. You should also use price anchoring to show discounts and drive sales.


This is what you use to tell your customers to take action and ‘Add to cart’ ‘Buy Now’. 

Reviews and testimonials

Displaying social proof is a great way to convince customers about how good your product is. People believe reviews from their peers much more than claims made by brands, so social proof is very powerful when displayed on your product pages.


Displaying related and recommended products is a great way for you to engage in cross-selling and upselling, thus increasing your average order value and your customer lifetime value.

Trust seals

These show your users that your website is secure and they can safely make purchases on your online store.

Store polices

You might want to add disclaimers and store policies regarding certain products. You should also try to highlight your shipping and returns policies.

Urgency and scarcity signals

These are ways to induce the fear of missing out and get your customers to make immediate purchases. When they see that there are low stocks available or there is a limited-time discount, they are psychologically motivated to make purchases.

Displaying a countdown timer for your discounts and showing your customers how few pieces are left in stock are powerful ways to demonstrate scarcity and urgency.

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