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Why you need to deploy an eLearning chatbot
eLearning chatbots can help you engage and educate your students in their language and on their favorite channels. Here's how you can make the most of them.
Future of CX
Was pandemic the best thing to happen to customer experience?
The pandemic forced businesses to improve their customer experience tremendously. Here are some of the biggest changes, and one that you should definitely make.
Acquisition V/S Retention: The WAR is on
What's more important - customer acquisition or retention? They're both critical but the better question is - What's more important for your business right now?
Business Transformation
Top 20 Powerful advocates of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion
Working with DEI influencers can help your brand in several ways. They can help you empathize and create a brand message that resonates with more niche groups
Tech Corner
What is explainable AI? 6 benefits of explainable AI
Explainable AI, is a set of processes and methods that allow us to comprehend and trust the results and output created by machine learning algorithms.
Asia: Becoming a Powerhouse through AI Adoption
AI is taking the world, especially markets in Asia by storm. We're exploring AI and its many use cases in markets such as China, Japan, and India in this blog
Mastering WhatsApp Marketing: Connect, Engage & Convert
We're showing you the best ways to run marketing campaigns and reach your customers in a more effective manner on their favourite touchpoint - WhatsApp.
Conversational Design: Tips, tricks, and how to nail it
Poor experiences w chatbots can be attributed to only one thing: Awful conversational design. This guide aims to help you navigate through the best practices.
Unpacking Vector Databases: Everything you need to know
We have heard about SQL and no-SQL databases, like MySQL and MongoDB, and everyone knows about how they are used, but what about vector databases? Let's explore
Top 30 emerging leaders in Customer Success
There are successful customer success leaders who always look at things a little differently, lead the curve and constantly learn and push innovation.
6 powerful reasons to integrate Google Analytics with your chatbot
Want to track user journeys, understand your users, and use data to improve your customer experience? Integrate Google Analytics with your Engati chatbot now!
6 ways to use WhatsApp for customer service?
Using WhatsApp for customer service is a great way to meet your customers where they're hanging out. But how do you make it happen and how can you scale it up?
BeanUtils.copyProperties : Less Code, More Results
Are you caught in the trap of writing over 50 lines of boilerplate code to accomplish a single task? With BeanUtils, you no longer have to do that. Here's how.
Introducing the modern theme to Engati!
We're rolling out a new simplified version of Engati with new user interface, added functionalities, an easier way to manage attributes, a dark theme, and more!
Video calling and more come to Engati Live Chat
Your live chat + chatbot solution now comes with video calling, emailing, update notifications for your customers in browser tabs, and more. Learn all about it!
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I am looking for a conversational AI engagement solution for the web and other channels.
I would like for a conversational AI engagement solution for WhatsApp as the primary channel
I am an e-commerce store with Shopify. I am looking for a conversational AI engagement solution for my business
I am looking to partner with Engati to build conversational AI solutions for other businesses
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